Step-2:Backup of bad data and the data which you are deleting from the original table.
Step-3:prepare the script for data deletion
Step-4:Run the delete script
Step-5:Reload the data again which ever u have delete
we need to do analysis on the data i.e we need to find out that where that bad data exists based on the business rules,like missing the relationship,unwanted data
once analysis is done then take a bad data into one table and compare that records with another table data,so that we can find if there is any bad data exist in other tables also.
assume in person(parent table),person_inst_assignment table we found the bad data i.e there are some orphan records are exist in the table(parent is not there but chaild record is exist) for a particular source system.
tables: person,person_inst_assignment....etc
create table bad_person as select *from person where source_system_name='ABC'
checking in the remaining the tables where the same bad data exists.
select *from person_inst_assignment b where person_id in(select *from bad_person)a
where a.person_id= b.person_id
it will give the data if any matching data is there in the this you need to check all the tables.
Step-3: Take a backup into new tables which the data you are deleting from the original table.
ex: i am taking a backup of person_inst_assignment
create table
(select *
from person_inst_assignment b
where person_id in
(select *from bad_person)a
where a.person_id= b.person_id)
(select *
from person_inst_assignment b
where person_id in
(select *from bad_person)a
where a.person_id= b.person_id)
the above query will create the backup table with the data which we want to deleting (i.e bad data)
if any other tables also having the data we need to follow the same steps like above query.
Step-4: Prepare the script for data deletion
FROM person_inst_assignment b
FROM BKP_person_inst_assignment a
WHERE a.person_id = b.person_id);
FROM person_inst_assignment b
FROM BKP_person_inst_assignment a
WHERE a.person_id = b.person_id);
the above queries counts need to march then only our query is this we need to prepare all the scripts for the tables which are containing the bad data.
Step-5: from informatica u can reload the data based on the Source Qualifier Query